
Arch installation (Update 2024)

Steps to get up and running with Arch Linux.


Enable Bluetooth after waking up from sleep

After purchasing a new Kinesis Advantage 360 Pro I also got me a TP-Link UB 500 bluetooth dongle. It works fairly good although I do experience some tiny intermittent connection loss from time to time, which becomes obvious as dunst is spitting out notifications about the device losing connection and reconnecting instantly. What was more cumbersome was that the keyboard did not reconnect after continueing from sleep.

The solution was adding a script for systemd to run. Place the following in a file at /usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep/bluetooth


Arch tips and tricks

Various small tips, config settings, HowTo’s, gathered and centralized.


Local SSL certs in Firefox on Arch

Steps to get up and running local dev SSL certificates with Arch Linux.


Use the cert file from an mix phx.gen.cert, convert it:

openssl x509 -outform der -in your-cert.pem -out your-cert.crt

Arch installation

Steps to get up and running with Arch Linux.


Raspberri Pi as a AP (hostapd & dnsmasq)

Setup Raspberry Pi

Install OS

  2. unzip & burn with Etcher

First boot & config

Create an empty file called ssh at the root of the boot partition on the SD card.

cd /Volumes/boot && touch ssh

Plug in ethernet cable, connect to screen and boot.

Find the IP address of the Pi (Mijn Telenet).

SSH into the Pi:

ssh pi@IP # password will be 'raspberry' by default

Update the password with passwd


Eetbare planten voor klokschildpad

Lijst van eetbare planten voor een klokschildpad. Deze lijst is ook toe te passen op konijnen.



Deze pagina is een verzameling van weetjes en tips die ik zelf her en der online en in boeken kon terugvinden, om het voor mezelf gemakkelijk alles samen in een kort overzicht te kunnen gieten. Ik verzamelde de informatie toen we zelf een kleine testudo marginata van toen 1 jaar oud (mei 2021) kregen: Yoda. We wisten niet veel af van deze dieren - maar wel voldoende om te beseffen dat het een langetermijn verbintenis zou worden :).


Manjaro on my MBP

Install and run Manjaro on a 2015 MBP

This mostly just contains personal notes and references to get Manjaro running, in dual boot, on my MBP, with the following setup:

Most of it is inspired by lobo tuerto’s excellent article.

Installation and basic setup is completely covered there.


Manjaro on my Surface Go

Install and run Manjaro on a Microsoft Surface Go

This mostly just contains personal notes and references to get the Manjaro i3 flavor running.

This largely follows the steps in my ‘Manjaro on a MBP’ post, only the differences are highlighted here.


Because I could not get the bootloader menu to work properly and I did not need Windows at all, I decided to erase it all together and just do a clean install of Manjaro. To do so, like on the MBP, I just used the live usb to do the installation.