Manjaro on my MBP

Install and run Manjaro on a 2015 MBP

This mostly just contains personal notes and references to get Manjaro running, in dual boot, on my MBP, with the following setup:

Most of it is inspired by lobo tuerto’s excellent article.

Installation and basic setup is completely covered there.


I installed the following packages:

To install all:

   sudo pacman -S feh dbeaver mysql inotify-tools snapd arandr
   sudo snap install slack --classic
   sudo snap install spotify


Although covered in the guide, it was not working right away, or not perfectly clear to me. But, so it seems, it is quite easy. Just first perform a system update to get the latest kernel headers:

sudo pacman -Syu

Then you must reboot. After that just follow installation of the Iobo notes, and use the headers of your system:

uname -r


For now, for special stuff I get by using the built in i3 config on manjaro, which offers a binding for some system menu, default is mod+0