Arch tips and tricks

Various small tips, config settings, HowTo’s, gathered and centralized.

Custom dns (e.g. CloudFlare) with NetworManager

# make a note of the name of the connection you wish to configure e.g. "WiFi Secure"
nmcli connection show

# save the name of the connection in a variable
export CONN="WiFi Secure"

# paste the following in your terminal to reconfigure DNS
nmcli connection modify "$CONN" \
    ipv4.ignore-auto-dns yes \
    ipv4.never-default no \
    ipv4.dns ""

# reactivate the saved connection
nmcli connection up "$CONN"

# optionally restore default DNS (DHCP)
nmcli connection modify "$CONN" \
    ipv4.ignore-auto-dns no

Local SSL certs in Firefox

Steps to get up and running local dev SSL certificates with Arch Linux.


Use the cert file from an mix phx.gen.cert, convert it:

openssl x509 -outform der -in your-cert.pem -out your-cert.crt


Just follow steps on the Arch Wiki, but was very easy:

nmcli c modify "de_kabel" 802-3-ethernet.wake-on-lan magic

# verify
nmcli c show "de_kabel" | grep 802-3-e # (search for ethernet, mine is 'de_kabel')

Also as per wiki, install the wol aur systemd service. Not sure if needed though…

Note: when running the wol tool on the resurrecting system, pass in -p 9 as a port!

wol -p 9 target_MAC_addr