Raspberri Pi as a AP (hostapd & dnsmasq)
Setup Raspberry Pi
Install OS
- https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/operating-systems/
- unzip & burn with Etcher
First boot & config
Create an empty file called ssh
at the root of the boot partition on the SD card.
cd /Volumes/boot && touch ssh
Plug in ethernet cable, connect to screen and boot.
Find the IP address of the Pi (Mijn Telenet).
SSH into the Pi:
ssh pi@IP # password will be 'raspberry' by default
Update the password with passwd
Configure the country code for wifi. While you are at it, also change locale & timezone in the settings. This will prevent Perl locale errors.
sudo raspi-config nonint do_wifi_country BE
You will need to reboot after this.
Update & upgrade the base system:
sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade
# this is optional if you prefer nano or just plain vi
sudo apt install vim
Install & configure dnsmasq
Install dnsmasq package:
sudo apt install dnsmasq
Configuration for dsnmasq is done in /etc/dnsmasq.conf
. The default config file is rather large and provides a lot of info about default settings. The only thing you need to update is uncomment the conf-dir
option inside /etc/dnsmasq.conf
# Include another lot of configuration options.
conf-dir=/etc/dnsmasq.d # <- removed # here to load files from that directory
Create a new file inside /etc/dnsmasq.d/
folder. All files in this folder will also be read. That way the original file can be kept as a reference.
sudo vi /etc/dnsmasq.d/ap.conf
Contents of the file:
# range of ip addresses from dhcp server for the clients
Configure dhcpd (static ip of the pi)
Edit /etc/dhcpcd.conf
sudo vi /etc/dhcpcd.conf
Append the following to the file:
# AP settings
# assign static ip for the raspberry
interface wlan0
static ip_address=
# disable the hook for wpa_supplicant so hostap can take care of wpa auth
nohook wpa_supplicant
Install & configure hostapd
Install hostapd package:
sudo apt install hostapd
Edit the config:
sudo vi /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
Now tell hostpad to load this file:
sudo vi /etc/default/hostapd
Provide the path to the config as a value of DAEMON_CONF
(and uncomment it):
Now unmask & reenable the hostapd service:
sudo systemctl unmask hostapd
sudo systemctl enable hostapd
Also, put both hostapd and dsnmasq on a service that is started when (re)booting:
sudo update-rc.d dnsmasq enable
sudo update-rc.d hostapd enable
You can reboot now, and the network should already show up on other devices. Internet access however will not yet work.
IP4 forwarding (Pass through the internet)
Edit the /etc/sysctl.conf
file to uncomment the ipv4 forwarding setting:
# Uncomment the next line to enable packet forwarding for IPv4
But we need to mask our IP address, which we can do using iptables
sudo apt install iptables
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
When rebooting, this is lost. So write the current state to a file:
sudo sh -c "iptables-save > /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat"
Finally edit /etc/rc.local
file to load the iptables file, just before the exit 0
# ...
iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat
exit 0
Run a webserver with an app to forward
Install Elixir and erlang using asdf
. This is slower than the official install but has no issues on the Pi.
sudo apt install curl git
git clone https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf.git ~/.asdf --branch v0.8.1
sudo apt-get install unzip
For the application sqlite is also needed:
sudo apt install sqlite3
Example payload: q
13:42:04.819 [info] GET /weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php
conn: %Plug.Conn{
host: "rtupdate.wunderground.com",
params: %{
"ID" => "IZWEVE15",
"PASSWORD" => "***",
"UV" => "3.1",
"action" => "updateraww",
"baromin" => "30.19",
"dailyrainin" => "0.01",
"dateutc" => "now",
"dewptf" => "57.2",
"humidity" => "76",
"indoorhumidity" => "60",
"indoortempf" => "73.5",
"rainin" => "0.0",
"realtime" => "1",
"rtfreq" => "5",
"solarradiation" => "302.10",
"tempf" => "65.1",
"winddir" => "241",
"windgustmph" => "5.5",
"windspeedmph" => "5.1"
path_info: ["weatherstation", "updateweatherstation.php"],
query_string: "ID=IZWEVE15&PASSWORD=****&action=updateraww&realtime=1&rtfreq=5&dateutc=now&baromin=30.19&tempf=65.1&dewptf=57.2&humidity=76&windspeedmph=5.1&windgustmph=5.5&winddir=241&rainin=0.0&dailyrainin=0.01&solarradiation=302.10&UV=3.1&indoortempf=73.5&indoorhumidity=60",
13:42:05.443 [info] GET /weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php
conn: %Plug.Conn{
host: "ws.awekas.at",
params: %{
"PASSWORD" => "*****",
"UV" => "3.1",
"action" => "updateraww",
"baromin" => "30.19",
"dailyrainin" => "0.01",
"dateutc" => "now",
"dewptf" => "57.2",
"humidity" => "76",
"indoorhumidity" => "60",
"indoortempf" => "73.5",
"rainin" => "0.0",
"realtime" => "1",
"rtfreq" => "5",
"solarradiation" => "302.10",
"tempf" => "65.1",
"winddir" => "241",
"windgustmph" => "5.5",
"windspeedmph" => "5.1"
path_info: ["weatherstation", "updateweatherstation.php"],
query_string: "ID=USERNAME&PASSWORD=****&action=updateraww&realtime=1&rtfreq=5&dateutc=now&baromin=30.19&tempf=65.1&dewptf=57.2&humidity=76&windspeedmph=5.1&windgustmph=5.5&winddir=241&rainin=0.0&dailyrainin=0.01&solarradiation=302.10&UV=3.1&indoortempf=73.5&indoorhumidity=60",
request_path: "/weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php",
install aws cli
- https://ownthe.cloud/posts/configure-aws-cli-on-raspberry-pi/
- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/install-cliv2-linux.html
- https://aws.amazon.com/getting-started/hands-on/backup-to-s3-cli/
- https://elixircasts.io/installing-elixir-with-asdf
- https://asdf-vm.com/guide/getting-started.html#_1-install-dependencies
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5rR5xJ3u8I
- backup sqlite db on pi to S3